The Clark Street Dog

Clark Street Dogs was one of the first places that I ever went to in Chicago, and on that occasion I had my first italian sausage. I did not have anything to compare that with so at the time I thought it was quite good. I went back a second time and tried one of their Philly…

I just met Weird Harold at Stella’s Diner

I am easily sold on places to eat, and when Stella’s Diner in Lakeview followed me on Twitter this week, I felt I would repay the compliment by stopping off for a bite to eat. I have to say that it really is a quite a quirky place inside, nice art work on the walls…

Kluck U

I love roasted chicken and I am a total sucker for a well named resturant, so Kluck U on N Broadway Ave in Lakeview succeeded on attracting me though both counts. While we are at names, others I would like to see are French fast food outlets selling frogs legs and snails, maybe called “Just Croaked”…

Lina Pita – Authentic Moroccan Cuisine

I haved walked past Lina Pita a number of times and from the outside it really does not look much. However there was this picture in the window of  a tagine that always caught my eye. So in the mood for something in a bowl I made a special trip over to Belmont to see…

Flub a Dub Chub’s

“You had me at hello” Awesome name and it would have been rude not to enter to see if this place lived up to a start such as that! The shop is downstairs in the basement and it really is quite a unique spot. The walls are strewn with drawings from kids and big kids alike…

Hot Diggity Dogs

In the search for places to eat next to the El line is is hard to find somewhere closer than Hot Diggity Dogs, located at 947 W Wellington Ave, between Sheffield & Mildred Ave, and practically built under the arches of the Wellington Brown line El station. The menu board is pretty basic on first inspection and…