The Dog Joint

I was attracted to the Dog Joint by both the name and signage, inside “Top Gun” was on the television, some classic scenes played out as I waited for my hot dog first; Maverick: She’s lost that loving feeling. Goose: She’s lost? No, she hasn’t. Maverick: Yes, she has. Goose: She has not lost that…

Brothers Beef, Italian Beef Sandwiches

On Armitage I had seen a place that I hoped was serving Italian Beef, I think that it was the name “Brother’s Beef” that originally clued me in. For my expat friends back in the UK I should explain a little more, it is a sandwich in a roll filled with thin slices of seasoned roast beef,…

Roscoe Village Burger Fest 2012

  Second time lucky I headed down to Roscoe Village to hunt through the Roscoe Village Burger Fest. This time I forgoed the bus in lieu of a walk to burn off the the extra pounds I would gain from scoffing some burgers. Thirty minutes later walking down from Montrose Brown I hit the gate…

Chicago Bagel Authority

Chicago Bagel Authority…I feel like Jake Blues standing in the door of Triple Rock Church.. “Jesus Tap Dancing Christ I have seen the light” Until now I have not understood any obsession with this type of sandwich. The bread is too dense, too thick and it is like eating a rubber sponge. Each week the hoards at…

Frank ‘n’ Dawgs

This is my fourth visit to Frank and Dawgs and I love the place, it is a good job it is not on my block or I would be eating there until I was sick of the place or until I was a candidate for the Biggest Loser (well a serious candidate anyway, just to fend…